First Award in Arts

Receiving an award and copy of Wild Onions  I was published in. 

Receiving an award and copy of Wild Onions  I was published in. 

Most often, my awards are in the genre of "Most Improved", or sometimes, "Team Spirit". I'm not typically a high performer, and top of the pack is a pretty distant reach for me. But today after 20 years of group activities where comparison is part of the game, I have accomplished a first by winning third and being published. 

Today I was sent a letter congratulating me for having my work accepted in the Pennsylvania Stat College of Medicine Department of Humanities publication Wild Onions. I have not submitted a work of art before, but through the encouragement of dear friends, I conceded. I first submitted my photograph "Waiting for Answers"

I am so amazed that this won third place! I'm beyond honored and thankful. 

During the same time, I was honored to have my poem Little Glory published. This poem I wrote in 2006 while working in a trauma center, was first posted on an employee wall in the emergency department.  The first half was all I had written, but the sharp negative feedback I received inspired the second half. 

At the hospital they take and of her situation make what looks like circus or a feeding
As dozens of people with skills unequaled try their best to stop the bleeding.
The screams and beeps like insects creep into my mind to tell the story
Of how my wife that night gave her life to leave behind this little glory.
— E.Hodson

Click here to read the poem in its entirety. 

I am humbled and thankful for this honor.  Thank you so much to The Doctors Kienle Center for Humanistic Medicine, and to the editors Kristen Berger, Chrissy Clark, and Deb Tomazin. 

I'll post the publication as soon as I'm able. 


My photo in the publication of Wild Onions  

My photo in the publication of Wild Onions  

Here is a link to read and see the publication in its whole. Such incredible work by talented folks!  

Link to Full publication