What beauty, what joy, what opportunity we have in this wonderful life to be more than bystanders.
— E.Hodson

Stay Sharp

The only way to be more then you are is to imagine it. How can you imagine it if you never know anything different? Stay Sharp is a collection of the ideas and inspirations that have kept my mind and heart soft to the world. This world ready for a change, best we pay attention.

The Blunt Side of the Needle

The collaborative project TheBluntSideOfTheNeedle, is an opportunity for providers to reflect on the impact of being an intimate part of other people's emergency as well as share life lessons, personal experiences, medical tips and tricks, encouragement, research and recommendations. Join the conversation and become an author here.

Advance The Needle:

In my short life I have been given some incredible opportunities.  In this collection Advance The Needle, I share some of the more extraordinary opportunity's  life has given me as a way to remember their impact, and to allow their teaching to impact others. 


In the blink of an eye, life happens.  Big stories in small moments.