Medicine Heals the body, Art Nurtures the Soul

Thank you for visiting my site. This space is a playground where I share my passions and life lessons.  You are welcome to contact me at any time or just explore and get involved when you can.  Leave a comment or two, tell me what you think, or share a thought. I try to respond promptly, especially when food is involved. 

Every man has been made for a particular work, and the desire for that work has been placed in every heart.
— Rumi

Eric Hodson is

A Critical Care Nurse

A Photographer

A Husband

An Educator

An Artist

An Outdoor Enthusiast

A Leader

A Savage Murderer of Debt

In my short life, I have seen enough to know I don't have it figured out. I am passionate about life because death has come too often for me to be lulled into apathy. Every day is an amazing opportunity to move forward. I believe what is most important is the good can I do with what is in front of me. Through my camera and by my stethoscope I have stood beside others during their best and worst moments in both life and death. Great loss and great gain. From quiet and tranquil to violent and heart-pounding, every day is our last day... until it is not.


I invite you to: 



Gentleness, Loving, Empathy, Optimism, Patience


Vulnerable, Unashamed, Integrity, Purpose, Courage


Adaptable, Flexible, Servant, Philanthropic, Humble


Back Story


the Blunt Side Of The Needle

I am excited to introduce you to the The Blunt Side Of The Needle. This collaboration is a work of passion about passionate work. Medicine is an incredible space to explore the breadth and depth of the human experience.  Join your fellow providers to reflect on medicine and the responsibility of being an intimate part of other people's emergency.

These two articles are close to my heart as to why I believe what I believe, and are an early evolution of what The Blunt Side Of The Needle has become. Read them to better understand who I am, then continue to The Blunt Side main page found in the menu.

Adventures and Thoughts

Here I share my life changing experiences in greater detail. 

Man at his best is like water, serving as he goes along. Like water he seeks his own level, the common level of life, Loves living close to the earth, Living clear down to his heart, Loves kinship with his neighbors, The pick of words that tell the truth, The even tenor of the well loved state, The fair profit of the able dealing, The right timing of useful deeds...
— Lao Tzu

Contact me


My Photography: Visual Storytelling

Please explore my photography on SmugMug for more pictures.