
It's Not Okay To Not Be Okay

It's Not Okay To Not Be Okay

Nobody wants to appear weak, or be looked down on for not being a salty ol' pro who just muscles their way through the day. You have to be a machine, and not a human being with emotions and a gag reflex

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The Leap

The Leap

Do you get really frustrated at a coworker who should be way ahead in their career but struggle with the simplest of things? Is there someone you looked up to, but soon discovered that despite their years of experience just aren’t the kind of person you aspire to be? What you are experiencing is what I call “the Gap”, and what you need, is to Leap.

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A Call For Mercy

A Call For Mercy

In healthcare, we may think that our position gives us some kind of moral authority over those who are struggling through life.  My privilege and education give me capacity to care for and be compassionate to my patient and community; not to pass judgment or condemnation.  The hell that people bring into their own life will not be transformed by adding gasoline to the fire of a life already turning to ash.

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